Saturday, August 30, 2014

Larry's Vault: Bob Hope as painted by Albrecht Durer

I stumbled across this uncanny item while thumbing through a copy of American Artist from December, 1950.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Larry's Vault: Napkin Drawings Part II

Round two of my napkin art post.  This time it's a selection of napkins done by Hugo Scornik. Back when he did these napkins sketches in San Francisco, Hugo was an architect. Now he lives in the Canary Islands and is doing graphic art and exhibiting in galleries (see our blog post of March 24 of this year for more on Hugo).

Hugo’s napkin doodles are a lot of fun. You can see the concern with structure in all of his stuff. 

Larry's Vault: Napkin Drawings

In the olden days (circa 1970’s-early ‘80’s) when I lived in San Francisco, I squandered a fair amount of time in coffeehouses and bars with fellow Bohemian types and invariably our napkins would quickly become covered in images.

Napkins make for great drawing surfaces; the paper allows for a certain amount of ink ‘bleed’ and provides a nice toothy texture—and they are free.

In any case we did a lot of them, just as I suspect many artists (when not on their laptops and smartphones) do today. I’ve managed to hang on to some of the oldies which is the focus of todays ‘Vault'.

I’m surprised how many of these highly fragile artifacts have survived.

Not all are signed and my memory banks aren’t always helpful in this matter.

In some cases I’m making educated guesses to the artist’s identity.

Some likely suspects include cartoonists Melinda Gebbie, Marc Miyashiro, J. Michael Leonard, Kevin East, Hal Robbins, Norman Quebedeau …

I’ve declined to post a few of the rudest and crudest of the lot. (As funny as they maybe I feel a little uncomfortable posting them).

Hugo Scornik
Also by Dalison
Another by Hugo
Unknown sculptor
Drawing of me by painter, Ivan Kustura
Ana Becker
Another by Ana Becker
Nice one (by Norman Quebedeau? Marc Miyashiro?)
By my old chum Alan Cumings
Another by Dalison, obviously drawn in North Beach.
A nice one by a great unknown.

I believe this one is by cartoonist J. Michael Leonard.

I've not been able to positvely I.D. this one  (Hal Robbins?)

This is probably by my old pal, cartoonist/watecolorist Kevin Brady.

This is supposed to be me. I'm pretty sure this is by cartoonist Kevin East. It was probably done during a Bay Con which was held one year at the Jack Tar.

This is also a drawing of me done by Educomics founder Leonard Rifas (but this time with more hair).

(Not a clue)

Nice one (Maybe again by Marc Miyashiro?)

Nice horse by Dalison.

Another nice one by Dalison (note the use of coffeestain as a sepia wash).

More to come in the next post.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Box Show Art Reception

Our box--with the skeleton musicians-- is just behind us.

Sunday, August 3rd, was the reception for the 16th Annual Box Show at the Gallery Route One in Pt. Reyes Station, Califronia.  The reception was shoulder-to-shoulder crowded so we didn't see everything but here are just a few highlights from the exhibit.

"Blue Forest Geode" by Carla J.Patterson

John Lawson did the nice box on the left.

Kathleen Edwards

"As the World Turns" by Barry Willis

I really like this one. (I believe the 'box' remains only as charred coals under the globe).

Great one by Jaime Crespo

Mary Lou Shepas
Nick Corcoran
Dian Becker
Xander Weaver-Scull
Dianne Hull

"The Little Thinker" by Jack Champie

You can click on the images to make them larger.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

16th Annual Box Show

Once again Gallery Route One in Pt. Reyes Station California is hosting its annual Box Show.

The way it works is the gallery provides plain pine boxes to as many as 150 artists to do creatively as they please with (as long is the box remains in the final piece in some form).

The show functions as a fundraiser for the Gallery.

This year we were given an unusually small box.   Molly and I always brainstorm and create the boxes together. 

I started out wondering if it was possible to do block printing directly on the wooden box. My experiments pretty much failed but lead to another approach. We played around with applying one of my older block prints directly to the box. I wasn’t sure how that would work either since it required adhering a rice paper print to wood using Molly’s gel medium.

Skeleton figures trimmed. 
I cut out and trimmed a “Jug Band” print. I also drew an additional figure in ink.

Original figure taped to box just to see what it would look like.
We decided to reverse the image.
Molly decided we needed to do a photocopy reversal of the additional drawing.
Original image and reversed' twin'. Copied and inked.
Adhered with gel medium
The trimmed artwork was positioned on the box.

 Molly applied layers of gel medium.  ( Molly painted the box as well).

We created another skull for the top of the box.

On past boxes we’ve often done a lot of painting, carving of Basle wood figure’s, attaching additional elements. Fancy stuff. This was probably one of the least labor-intensive boxes we’ve made for the show but I think it’s pretty effective.

The 16th annual Box Show reception is Sunday, August 3rd.

The show runs until September 14th.

You can check out the details at:         

You can check this blog’s archives (Aug. 26, 2011 and Aug. 26, 2012 
or July 24, 2013) for more info on our boxes.