Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Larry’s Cartoon Vault: Things Don’t Change Much

Here’s another cartoon clip of days gone by. This one by the legendary Herblock from 1949. You know, back in the olden days when various groups found it politically useful to scapegoat school teachers.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Larry's Cartoon Vault: Things Don't Change Much

Every so often I post an old cartoon clip here under the heading "Things Don't Change Much" (aka Cartoon Deja Vu).

This one is a little different.

In this instance, the cartoon by Vaughn Shoemaker (date unknown, but certainly a few decades old), the topic (persecuted people) is familiar but what is absent is the divisiveness that seems almost mandatory today.  

Just as interesting is the fact that Shoemaker was a political conservative and founder of the Christian Artists Fellowship Club  He said he began each cartooning work day with a prayer. Today, more often than not, the 'persecuted' are demonized by conservative media.

(You can see more "Things Don't Change Much" cartoon clips by going to the search box in the upper left corner)

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Guy Colwell's Historical Graphic Novel of Hieronymus Bosch

 Guy Colwell has a new historic graphic novel out titled Delights: A Story of Hieronymus Bosch published by Fantagrpahics.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Ralph Chesse Exhibit at the San Francisco Library

As a kid in the San Francisco Bay Area I was a dedicated follower of The Wonderful World of Brother Buzz Show and, in fact, a card-carrying member of the Brother Buzz Club (Actually, I had a Brother Buzz club button, I don’t recall if there really was a Membership card).

The creator of the TV show, script writer, voice artists and head puppeteer/marionettist was Ralph Chesse. Over the years, I learned more about this remarkable creative artist and was very pleased to learn that the SF Public Library had decided to highlight his life and varied career.

Ralph Chesse: A San Francisco Century was exhibited this summer in the Jewett Gallery of the Main Branch of the SF Library.  The exhibit was curated Glen Helfand. Here’s a glimpse of the show.


Ralph Chesse life work defies easy definition. He was a painter, printmaker and muralist, an actor (in theater, television and film), and a puppeteer. Sometimes these different talents ran in tandem other times they seemed to collide and happen creatively all at once.

Chesse was born in 1900 in New Orleans of Creole heritage.  It seems he started painting there (with a bit of instruction from the Chicago Art Institute). 

Some early work by Ralph Chesse. Clearly influenced by Charles Dana Gibson

A detail of the above piece

He also got his first introduction to theater in New Orleans as an occasional actor and stage designer.    It seems Chesse was first exposed to puppetry around 1925 when he moved to San Francisco and met Blanding Sloan.  


Some art from San Francisco 1930’s

Some rough sketches

His ‘Black Madonna’ won a prize at the Art Association’s Annual Exhibition in 1928


In 1929, Chesse launched his Marionette Guild producing adaptions of works by the likes of Moliere. During the depression his work was supported by the Federal Theater/WPA. 

Chesse usually created his own block print posters for his performances.


In 1934, Chesse was one of 25 artists selected by the WPA to create a mural for Coit Tower.

Coit Tower block print by Ralph Chesse

Preliminary art for the Coit Tower fresco

A shot of  the fresco “Playground” at Coit Tower

In 1936, he was appointed Director of Puppetry (There’s a title I never knew existed). His job ultimately was to oversee Federal Theater puppetry units throughout the state of California. And in 1938 he produced and performed “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” at the Golden Gate Exposition on Treasure Island.


Through the difficult years of the Great Depression and World War II Chesse continued to struggle along with his combination of puppetry, freelancing art, teaching and gallery shows. 

He began working in local television in 1950. In 1952, he began the Wonderful World of Brother Buzz sponsored by the Latham Foundation for the Promotion of Humane Education. 

The ‘cast' of the Brother Buzz show

The show bounced around on local stations and eventually became a nationally syndicated program. The show lasted 17 years.

Somehow while creating and performing a weekly TV show, Chesse managed to continue to juggle his other interests—creating puppets for the SF Opera and SF Symphony, exhibiting in galleries in SF, New York, New Orleans and Paris, and appearing as an actor on TV and on stage.  (By the 1970’s, he was appearing in movies such as THX 1138, Raid on Entebbe, and Tell Me A Riddle).

One of his latter day marionettes--Tiny Tim


Over the years, I’ve chanced upon different aspects of Chesse’s remarkable life but this exhibit did a fine job of bringing some attention to an under acknowledged creative figure.


Saturday, August 10, 2024

Kevin Brady featured in the Calaveras Enterprise

In my olden cartooning days in San Francisco I participated in a weekly cartoonist get-together known as the GroundUnder Cartoonists hosted by Kevin Brady. 

A bunch of us (Kevin, Michael T. Gilbert, Trina Robbins, Roger May, Marc Miyashiro, Dot Bucher, Shelby Sampson, Melinda Gebbie, et al) would sit around a table, drawing jam sessions, gabbing and goofing. I have a lot of fond memories of that time and fully intend to post about one of these days.

Kevin is still keeping his pens in service. You can read about him below (See link).

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The 26th annual Box Show

Molly and I participated, once again, in the annual Gallery Route One’s annual Box Show.


Here’s our offering for this year:



The Box Show is a major fundraiser for Gallery Route One in Pt. Reyes Station in west Marin County. 


The way it works is: Each artist is given an unadorned pine box. You can pretty much do anything to it as long as elements of the original the box remains in the piece (That definition can be stretched pretty far-- boxes on occasion have been ground to dust, burned to ash and otherwise rendered unrecognizable in the process of making an art piece).


Here’s how we created ‘Hypnagogic’:

First we painted our pine box black. (By ‘we’ I mean Molly).

We took an old drawing of mine and had it scanned and printed on high quality art paper.

We affixed lights and a battery pack in the box.

We poked tiny holes in the image and had a sheet of plexiglass cut to size.

We placed our image on the box under the sheet of plexiglass and then screwed the plexiglass sheet to the box.

The batterpack comes with a small remote control so you can turn the lights on and off.

These photos don’t quite get across the ‘sparkling' effect. 

Hopefully this video can convey it.

The Box Show runs until September 7th.

Find out more at Gallery Route One