We just had the reception for the 3rd Annual Pressing Matters: Printmaker's Group Show at the San Geronimo Valley Community Center. Of all the shows I curate or organize at the Center this is my personal favorite.
Here's a few shots from the exhibit:
Fine printmakers Fred L.Berensmeier, Zachary Gilmour and Katya McCulloch |
Collograph by Fred L.Berensmeier |
Katya McCulloch |
The San Quentin Blockprinters created this work with printmaking instructor Katya McCulloch.
Artist are: Adam Barboza, Khalifah Christensen, Gary Harrell, Rolf Kissmann, Felix Lucero, Brendan Murdock, Mary Stanley, Andre Nelson, Steven Smith,Wesley Geno Washington and Andrew Vance.
(Printmaker Art Hazelwood also assited on this print).
Elan Kamesar |
Display table of printmaking techniques |
by Artemio Rodriguez ( print from my collection) |
Jackie Kirk |
Linoleum blocks cut by Susan Shannon |
Drypoint by Lawrence Gilmour |
Woodcut by Al Ardelle |
Printmakers include: Al Ardelle, Fred L.Berensmeier, Geoff Bernstein, Lawrence Gilmour, Zachary Gilmour, Jenny Hunter Groat, Daryl Grossman, Elan Kamesar, Jackie Kirk, Lanee Lowell, Katya McCulloch, Barbara Morris, Steve Parun, Larry Rippee, Artemio Rodriguez, Gabrielle Schwibach, Janice Van Hoy Scott, Susan Shannon, Paulina Suarez and the San Quentin Blockprinters.
Special thanks to Molly for helping me hang the show.
The show runs until the end of October.