Monday, July 29, 2024

Exhibits by Cindy Miracle and Susan Doyle

This month we hosted two knock out solo shows in the Maurice Del Mue Galleries at the San Geronimo Valley Community Center—Cindy Miracle and Susan Doyle.


Of all the years I’ve put together art shows for the SGV Community Center (I’ve sorta lost count but it’s well over 15 years), 2024 has resulted in some of my favorites exhibits. These two exhibits are high on my list.

Cindy Miracle

Fleur de Lis

Cindy Miracle is a painter and printmaker living in West Marin. She studied drawing, painting and printmaking receiving her BFA at Cal-State Fullerton. After graduating she worked as a cartographer and scientific illustrator, returning to academia to earn an M.F.A. at Claremont Graduate School. 


I find Cindy’s mix of printmaking techniques pretty complex. She works mostly with monotypes, monoprints, solar plates and light-sensitive ImageOn plates --as well as bits paper employing the Chine colle process

Back Road in Green and Purple

Back Road to Petaluma

Back Road to Petaluma

An Extra Hand?

Past Lives at the Chateau Orquevaux

Fantasy Garden

Two Choices

Pink Clouds on a Cold Day

Flame Coloured Forest, this one is oil and encaustic medium

Cloudy Skies over the Orquevaux, and this one is oil and graphite

On the far left is Pisces Over Alberti which I failed to get a good shot of (click to enlarge)

Hugo’s Garden in Pink

The Masked Ball

Cindy Miracle has exhibited at the O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, Artspace, L.A., Renwick Gallery in the Smithsonian, Purdue University, Weber State College and the Awagami exhibition in Japan.

Susan Doyle

Susan Doyle also resides in the San Geronimo Valley, Marin County.


Transferring from UC Davis where she took tractor driving, she graduated from UC Berkeley and became a Spanish teacher. 


After living in Spain and then working as a research analyst in Washington DC, she returned to the Bay Area and started a design, silkscreen business. Discovering a fiber sculpture class at College of Marin taught by Carole Beadle, she found my true passion and have been making art ever since.

There’s a lot going on in this room so let’s start with the linen tapestry “You’ve Come a Long Way Baby?"


Linen, photo transfer, embellishments

Susan’s artwork is inspired from current events and her experience of the world around her. Much of her work is political in nature including her recent body of work about the proliferation of book banning in the United States. 


Crime Scene

Crossing Arizona
Aluminum Arizona tea cans, wood, brass nails

(These photos don’t do justice to this piece)

El Dorado
El Dorado alludes to the journey immigrants make from Latin America to reach the ‘golden cities’ of the U.S.
This piece is Fabric, stitching.embroidery thread, maps and wood

San Francisco Homeless Count
February 23, 2022
Tissue paper, acrylic ink and stitching

Clay, sgraffito technique

Clay, sgraffito technique

Cake in the Time of Corona and Its Consequences
“I baked a cake every week and ate it. The next month I are only salads.”
Tea dyed fabric, lace, photo transfer, trapunto, stitching

Susan Doyle’s work has been exhibited in the DiRosa Center for Contemporary Art, Napa, Randall Museum, San Francisco, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, Falkirk Cultural Center and Mayson Gallery, Chelsea, NYC.


All works copyright by the respective artists