This November we hosted the 6th Annual printmakers show at the San Geronimo Valley Community Center--probably my favorite reoccurring art show of the year.
"Man with Hat", Intaglio by Bea Benjamin |
As usual the show highlights local print artist’s etchings, woodcuts, linocuts, lithographs, screen prints and monotypes.
This year’s featured artists include Bea Benjamin, Fred L. Berensmeier, Geoff Bernstein, Martha Cederstrom, Diane Cokely, Danielle Fogel, David Getz, Art Hazelwood, Elan Kamesar, Veronica Buros Kleinberg, Sophie Larsen, Katya McCulloch, Cindy Miracle, Elaine Nehm, Larry Rippee, Gabriele Schwibach, Susan Shannon, Connie Smith Siegel, Sam Vaughn, Xander Weaver-Scull and Melissa West.
Here are a few examples:
"Phillip Petit, World Trade Center 1974", Intaglio on cardboard plate also by Bea Benjamin |
A knock out piece by Melissa West:
"La Penitente", a linoleum block print on fabric.
"Corn Goddess/Corn Demon", woodcut by Art Hazelwood |
"Two Cages" scratch-foam, pencil, rice paper, plexi by Danielle Fogel.
“Brown Pelican (Endangered Species Now Recovered)” by Xander Weaver-Scull
For this print Xander made his own ink out of soil, water and maple syrup.
The print itself is a stencil using watercolor.
"The Border Wall Divides All Life" a screenprint by Art Hazelwood
"The Golden Book of Art", 4-Color linocut reduction by Katya McCulloch
“Songbirds of Iraq”, 12-color, 2-block linocut reduction by Katya McCulloch
Both of these incredibly complex prints are part of the "Absence & Presence” project, an international touring printmaking response to the bombing of Al-Mutannabbi Street.
"Star Shaman and Raven Dream the First Signature of the Human Being"
a linocut by Fred Berensmeier
"Colorado II" a screenprint by Dave Getz
"Colorado III- Shooter's Bible" also by artist /musician Dave Getz
"Stripes for Pompeii" a monoprint using solar plate and Chine Colle by Cindy Miracle.
"Santa Maria Novella" monoprint (with image on plate) by Cindy Miracle.
"Silver and Black" monoprint (using encaustic medium on plate)
also by Cindy Miracle.
"Bubba" an etching by Sophie Larsen
"Desolation Angel 2", a great stone lithograph by Sam Vaughn.
"Limbus Infantium 1" a hand toned stone lithograph also by Sam Vaughn.
Wonderful stuff. Great variety.
This really is only a portion of the exhibit. Hopefully I'll have a chance to put up more images from the show soon.