Saturday, February 28, 2015

Larry's Cartoon Vault: Baseball Loving Cartoonists

My grandson has just started his pre-season little league practice--which signals me that big league baseball is on the horizon.

So as a tip of the cap to the upcoming baseball season, here are some legendary baseball-loving cartoonists of days gone by.

In the above photos:  ‘Tad’ Dorgan who clearly takes his game seriously.  Rube Goldberg –misspelled here as ‘Reub’- doen’t seem quite as formidable.  Larry Semon, a talented cartoonist, who became better known in vaudeville and silent film comedies (many made with Oliver Hardy and Stan Laurel).

The great cartoonist Cliff Sterrett and fellow players Coffman and Carter just don’t seem to have Tad’s commitment. Overall, this doesn’t look like a team that would strike fear in the hearts of their opponents.

By some grand tradition most cartoonists who rise to a considerable level of success wind up playing golf—maybe that’s for the best.

Photos from Cartoons Magazine 1916

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