Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The 26th annual Box Show

Molly and I participated, once again, in the annual Gallery Route One’s annual Box Show.


Here’s our offering for this year:



The Box Show is a major fundraiser for Gallery Route One in Pt. Reyes Station in west Marin County. 


The way it works is: Each artist is given an unadorned pine box. You can pretty much do anything to it as long as elements of the original the box remains in the piece (That definition can be stretched pretty far-- boxes on occasion have been ground to dust, burned to ash and otherwise rendered unrecognizable in the process of making an art piece).


Here’s how we created ‘Hypnagogic’:

First we painted our pine box black. (By ‘we’ I mean Molly).

We took an old drawing of mine and had it scanned and printed on high quality art paper.

We affixed lights and a battery pack in the box.

We poked tiny holes in the image and had a sheet of plexiglass cut to size.

We placed our image on the box under the sheet of plexiglass and then screwed the plexiglass sheet to the box.

The batterpack comes with a small remote control so you can turn the lights on and off.

These photos don’t quite get across the ‘sparkling' effect. 

Hopefully this video can convey it.

The Box Show runs until September 7th.

Find out more at Gallery Route One

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